In this therapy compartment or a cabin of black gram, the dough is constructed around the knee joint/ joints and medicated warm oil is poured and pulled for some time.

The word Janu means knee joint and Basti means to hold (compartment which holds)

This therapy for knee pain due to various causes also helps rivers the disease condition of the knee joint.

It strengthens architecture i.e muscles joints cartilage prevents further degenerative changes

All types of aches and pains- 

Ayurveda has got a very specific approach when it comes to treating musculoskeletal disorders like general muscle tension, back pain shoulder pain, neck pain and knee joint pain, etc.


While treating, each person is looked upon on an individual basis and a Holistic approach is taken by an Ayurvedic practitioner looking at restoring all the functions of the body.


There can be many different causes for this problem which may vary from stress, physical trauma, poor posture, poor diet, an unhealthy lifestyle, etc. This kind of individual and holistic approach is essential for long-lasting relief and results.

In today’s world, the most common cause of such problems is in sedentary occupations and many hours spent on computers due to which musculoskeletal of the back, neck, shoulder, arms, and legs lose strength and flexibility.

In addition, poor posture, lack of mobility, and continuous stress over the years can accumulate and cause severe pain and specific therapy is required that works on a very deep level other than just regular massage.



Symptoms like inflammation, pain, stiffness, and restricted movement may be due to disorders that involve muscle(mamsa), ligaments, bones(asthi), vertebrae, and nerves(majja). Janu Basti is a musculoskeletal treatment for such disorders.


  • Relief from knee pain
  • Action in swelling of the joint and surrounding area.
  • Improvement in the movement of the joint
  • Increase the weight-bearing capacity of the joint.


  • Osteoarthritis of the knee joint
  • Subluxation of the knee joint
  • Rheumatism
  • Old injuries of the joint.
  • Rehabilitation after healing of fractures.


Packages- At Ayur health Veda, this therapy is provided for 7 days 10 days, 14 days, or more according to the need of the patient.