
Weight Loss Therapy and Obesity Management

Obesity has become very common these days. There is a saying that obesity does not run in the family obesity is there because no one runs in the family. Being overweight or obese can be very disheartening not only Health wise but also personality wise. People try various options to manage their weight like Gym, Running, dietary supplements, medications but still people tend to overlook the right path which is right in front of their eyes.

We generally tend to take a path which has been successful for someone else but we must keep in mind that for every person the right path for weight loss can be different because everyone may have a different condition and body type.

Ayurveda considers the body type of the individual and with the help of detailed history, right path can be chosen that will prove most beneficial for that individual. This is the reason why people seek Ayurvedic therapy for weight loss. For such people who wish to manage their weight naturally with Ayurvedic therapies, Ayur Health Veda is the ideal place.

At Ayur health veda, our certified dietitians provide specific attention to the individual and with the help of Ayurvedic treatment for obesity, achieve great success in cases of overweight and obese people.

As ayurveda provides treatment options depending on the type of individual’s body, diseased condition and lifestyle, Ayur Health best treatment for overweight and obesity.


With specifically prepared herbal oils, powders and tablets along with Ayurvedic massage, specific diet, steam bath, obesity is managed very effectively at this institute.

  • Abhyang-

Abhyang or Ayurvedic massage is one of the most common and popular therapy in ayurveda. It is used in almost every patient depending on the body type and diseased condition. Your body is massaged using oils prepared in Ayurvedic herbs.

  • Swedana Therapy- This is a kind of steam bath in which sweat is induced with the help of steam formed from Ayurvedic herbs. This is a part of Ayurvedic therapy for obesity as it dislodges the toxins and eliminates them from the body.
  • Dhanyamla Dhara- It is an Ayurvedic decoction bath in which constant stream of herbal liquid is poured and massaged over the body.
  • Takradhara- A continuous stream of medicated buttermilk is poured over the body or the forehead in this therapy.
  • Udvartanam- Massage of herbal powders and paste on the body is called udvartanam. This therapy is very effective in weight reduction and fat loss.
  • Vaman (therapeutic emesis)-

It is a process of induced vomiting performed under strict supervision of qualified Ayurvedic physicians and it helps clear the toxins from whole body mainly from the upper Gastro till the duodenum (end of stomach) and chest region including respiratory track. This procedure mainly helps balance the vitiated Kapha dosha. This is an Ayurvedic detox therapy that helps in various conditions including obesity and overweight.

  • Virechan (therapeutic purgation)-

It is a process of therapeutic purgation performed under strict supervision of qualified Ayurvedic physicians and it helps clear the lower Gastro from the duodenum till the anal opening. This procedure mainly helps balance the vitiated Pitta dosha. This is an Ayurvedic detox therapy that helps in various conditions including obesity and overweight.

These therapies will be offered completely based on the recommendation of Ayurvedic doctor based on individuals medical history body type.


  • Detoxifies the body
  • helps balance various dosas of the body
  • metabolism is enhanced
  • blood circulation is improved
  • stress relief
  • long lasting and easy weight loss and fat loss.


Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss is of 7 days 14 days 21 days and 28 days.

These Ayurvedic therapies stimulate internal organs of the body and refine all body systems like digestive system nervous system and circulatory system. Weight loss obtained through Ayurvedic therapy is long lasting and easy to maintain with healthy lifestyle and yoga.

If obesity therapy in ayurveda is what you are looking for Ayur Health Veda is the right place to be.