Panchakarma Full Course Package
According to Ayurveda, our body is constituted by 3 main components/ doshas namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
These doshas represent various systems of the body like nutrition, metabolism, and the nervous system.
The balance between these doshas is very important for the healthy state of a person. Whenever this balance is disturbed, diseases may manifest.
Ayurveda believes in maintaining and restoring this state of equilibrium between doshas for which it advocates various regimens and treatment modalities like Dincharya, Ritucharya, Adharniya Vegas, Rasayan- vajikaran, and Panchkarma.
Various methods by which the body is cleansed of all the unwanted waste are called Panchkarma.
These procedures are 5 in number hence the term Pancha (five) karma (procedures).
These five karmas not only help a healthy person maintain his health but also, includes preventive and curative actions for various diseases which are otherwise considered untreatable in the modern era.
Panchkarma is an inseparable part of Ayurveda and it has been recommended that each and every person should undergo Panchkarma for maintaining good health, Also, it is recommended that it should be done before starting any medication so that the person can receive the maximum benefits out of the treatment.
Brief description of Five Karmas-
- Vaman (therapeutic emesis)-
It is a process of induced vomiting performed under the strict supervision of qualified Ayurvedic physicians and it helps clear the toxins from the whole body mainly from the upper Gastro to the duodenum (end of stomach) and chest region including the respiratory tract. This procedure mainly helps balance the vitiated Kapha dosha.
- Virechan (therapeutic purgation)-
It is a process of therapeutic purgation performed under the strict supervision of qualified Ayurvedic physicians and it helps clear the lower Gastro from the duodenum till the anal opening. This procedure mainly helps balance the vitiated Pitta dosha.
- Anuvasana Basti (Medicated oil Enema)-
Enema of oils medicated with various Ayurvedic Herbs and minerals not only lubricate the rectal area but they get absorbed in the whole body and give nourishment to every cell of the body. It also expels lipid-soluble toxins and wastes out of the body through the anus. This procedure mainly helps balance the vitiated Vata dosha.
- Asthapana Basti (Medicated Decoction Enema)-
Enema of decoction of various herbs and minerals mixed with other ingredients cleanses the body mainly from the transverse colon to the anus. It also gets absorbed in the body and works on every cell of the body hence helping in various diseased conditions and helps avoid developing diseases by removing toxins from the body. This procedure mainly helps balance the vitiated Vata dosha.
- Nasyam-
Various medicated substances like oils or decoctions are instilled through the nose. It clears the respiratory tract and paranasal sinuses. This procedure mainly helps balance the vitiated Kapha dosha. Ayurveda believes that the Nose is the entry point of the brain hence these procedures help in various conditions of the brain and help in various diseases and helps calm and nourish your brain.
Karmas before and After Panchkarma-
While performing Panchkarma, three steps are followed.
- Poorv Karma-
Procedures performed before the main procedure of Panchkarma are called Poorv karma.These procedures enable a person to obtain the maximum benefits of Panchkarma therapy. It includes mainly two procedures- Snehan (oleation) and Swedan (fomentation). Medicated oils or clarified butter(ghee) containing various herbs are used orally and applied on the whole body and after that, the whole body sweating is induced.
With the help of these procedures, toxins lodged throughout the body are dissolved, melted, dislodged, and carried toward the gut for removal by expulsion.
- Pradhan Karma –
These are the main procedures of Panchkarma. On the basis of various observations of the physician, the proximity of the waste toxins to be expelled, and the requirement of the condition of the person, it is decided which of these five procedures are to be done. If Kaph dosha is increased or respiratory tract waste is more, Vaman may be selected. If Pitta dosha is prominent and waste is accumulated in the lower gastro region, Virechan may be selected.
- Pashchaat Karma-
After pradhan karma, some dietary regimen is followed for proper restoration of the body’s capacity for digestion and absorption.
Who can undergo Panchkarma?
People with age 12 or above and below 70 years can go through all the procedures of Panchkarma.
In case, an Ayurvedic doctor finds the importance and strength of the person appropriate, these age limits can be relaxed.
Medical conditions in which you can undergo panchkarma treatment-
Joint pains
Muscle spasms
Neurological disorders
Abdominal pain
Liver disorders
Gynecological disorders
Skin disorders etc.
Benefits of Panchakarma Therapy_
Removes toxins from the body and purifies the blood.
Smoothens the flow of blood and other nutrients in the body by opening up blocked macro and microchannels.
Relaxes your mind by stabilizing the nervous system.
Immunity booster
Stress-related problems like insomnia, depression and anxiety are relieved
The digestive system is improved and it stays strong
Rejuvenation of body.
Slows down the process of ageing.
Improvement in all systems of the body which is visible even on your skin.
At Ayur Health Veda, we provide panchkarma packages for 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, and 28 days.